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University Paris-Est Créteil - Кафедра фінансів НаУКМА
Україна, 04655, м. Київ, вул. Г. Сковороди, 2 корпус 6, кім. 410, тел.(044)425-60-42, 425-77-37 (факс)

University Paris-Est Créteil

University Paris-Est Créteil

The largest multidisciplinary university in Ile-de-France, the Université Paris-Est Créteil may be described as a bold yet successful enterprise: in little more than 40 years since its foundation in 1970, UPEC has managed to establish itself both as a regionally grounded institution and an internationally oriented university.

Due to its internationally focused policy, UPEC boasts a rich social diversity and welcomes 3,000 foreign students each year. Special services are dedicated to helping them with their everyday life, such as adapted French courses, easy access to healthcare for all students, and specific support for administrative procedures and accommodation. UPEC’s study offer also includes programs entirely taught in English, as the University welcomes numerous teachers and researchers from abroad.

Deparrtment of finance in National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy has a long story of interrelations with UPEC, which includes joined summer schools, bilateral agreements for Ph. D. students, and mobility programs for master and Ph. D. students.

The main research and study centers that cooperate with NaUKMA are:


Graduate school Organizations, Markets, Institutions (OMI) investigates research topics related to economics and management, law, political science, sociology and philosophy. It develops the synergy between these different themes around two main axes, the functioning of markets and the dynamics of actors and organizations.

Director - Branch Economics - Management - Social Sciences: François Legendre (Member of the Editorial Board, Economics and Statistics, Member of the Evaluation Committee of the Scientific Council, University Paris-Est-Créteil)


The research team ERUDITE (Research Team on Use of Personal Data in connection with the Economic Theory, Equipe de Recherche sur l’Utilisation des Données Individuelles en lien avec la Théorie Economique) aims to develop and promote economic research in the PRES Paris-Est. The ERUDITE includes two internal teams under the supervision, one of the University Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC) and the other from the University Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEMLV), both universities are each founding member of PRES Paris-Est. Researchers axis "International Economics and Development".


M1 International Economic Studies

The Master is designed to provide a high-quality curriculum for students attracted by international economics. The program is designed to meet European and global standards encountered in the most recognized international economics curricula. The teaching staff comprises both high level academics and economic experts in the field of development, including people working with the world’s leading international organisations. Either a 2-4 month internship thesis or a first year research thesis must be completed during the summer between the M1 and M2. Students wishing to continue to the M2 must qualify by reaching certain performance standards during the M1.

M2 Development Economics and International Project Management

The programs objectives are to train professionals taking part in economic analysis, public policy and aid programs for developing or emerging countries. Students are equipped to enter economic or development research positions and various roles in the public or private sector dealing with economics. Training is organised in close collaboration with consulting enterprises. Teaching staff comprises both high level academics and professionals from the consulting business, as well as economic experts in the field of development, including those working with the world’s leading international organisations (OECD, IMF, World Bank, European Union, Agency of French Development, etc). Students must complete a 4-6 month internship, or in some cases a research thesis, from April to September in order to complete the master’s.

M1 and M2 final thesis reports are presented in September, making each program one complete year as oppose to programs in other countries which may last only 9 months. This additional time to incorporate internships prepares students to enter the job field with both academic and professional experience, assuring placement with top international organisations and companies. More information about internships may be found on the internships sub-page.

Director: Boris Najman, Associate Professor, UPEC