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Master Program - Кафедра фінансів НаУКМА
Україна, 04655, м. Київ, вул. Г. Сковороди, 2 корпус 6, кім. 410, тел.(044)425-60-42, 425-77-37 (факс)

Invest in your future with the Master Program of Finance of Kyiv Mohyla Academy!

Master’s Program in Finance is a unique combination of thorough academic education and relevant experience of Ukrainian and European experts. No matter how you see your future: in the scientific field, or in the leading global or local companies, our master's program will give you the self-confidence and your managers or employers will be pleasantly surprised by the level of your preparation and competence.

We do not give all the ready answers, but we give you the opportunity to make your discoveries in a friendly atmosphere and improve your leadership skills. We do not teach you how to think, but we will show you how to transform knowledge and experience to success.

Teaches: Podvysotska Tamara

The course of Public Finance is oriented on introducing doctoral students to the functioning of public finance of democratic society. Such problems are presented: theoretical basics of financial activity of state and its institutions; rules of making country-level decisions; analysis of costs of bureaucracy upkeep; efficiency of governmental sector activities; financial problems of ecological policy; efficiency of budgetary redistribution processes etc.

The aim of studying Public Finance is to complexly research public finance based on the institutional theory of finance and economics of welfare in democratic society, and to acquaint students with current economic instruments of analysis of different methods of governmental policy aimed at correcting the situation of market insolvency.


Teaches: Shportyuk Volodymyr

The course introduces the doctoral students to the instruments of probability theory and the theory of stochastic processes, which are necessary for understanding and developing mathematical models of derivatives and financial markets.

The main topics are: the basics of sets and mathematical logics; logics of predicates; expansion of sets of real numbers: complex numbers; expansion of the notion of a function. Maping. Metric and valuated spaces. Equivalent metrics and norms. Limits. Limit of a function. Main classes of sets. Rings, algebras, σ-rings, σ-algebras. Monotonic classes. Generated classes of sets. Set functions, measures, stochastic measures. Algebras generated by sets/events. Measurable sets. Indicators of sets. Algebras generated by random variables. Conditional expectations.

Teaches: Mertens Oleksandr

In the course the achievements of the whole financial science is absorbed to valuate investment projects and control their realisation. The basic methodological approach to valuation is the net present value criterion, internal rate of return, and the option approach. The main difference from the standard methodologies of project valuation with the help of formal discounting and CAPM theory is the consideration of the project flexibility during its realisation period. On separate examples it is shown how improper valuation of flexibility influences the divergence in highly profitable projects. It especially concerns mining, pharmaceutical, building, and high-tech industries. Successful implementation of this methodology in connected with the advance of Japanese corporations in the high-tech industry in the end of 1990s. The contemporary methodologies of portfolio valuation of investment projects are a subject of high interest of Ukrainian financial-industrial groups, holdings, and financial institutions.

Teaches: Shumska Svitlana

Course Schedule

Theme 1. Methodological Principles of Forecasting.

Theme 2. Methods of Forecasting of Social and Economic Processes.

Theme 3. Econometrics in Economic Research Activities.

Teaches: Ph. D., prof. David Wheat / Faryna Oleksandr

This course introduces basic principles of economic dynamics and compares dynamic models with spreadsheet software and system dynamics software. Course Objectives are to enable students to…

  • Distinguish between static and dynamic economic models;
  • Use spreadsheet software to build dynamic models;
  • Use system dynamics software to build dynamic models;
  • Compare the spreadsheet and system dynamics approaches to dynamic modeling.

This is a distance learning course, developed for use with various online learning technologies. There will be live online lectures, video-taped lectures, reading assignments, slideshow tutorials, discussion board assignments, simulation exercises, online quizzes, and a modeling project. Computer lab sessions conducted by the teaching assistant will provide opportunities to improve the skills introduced during the lectures and assignments.

Teaches: Halytska Eleonora

Course Schedule

Theme 1. Organization of Scientific and Research Work in Higher Educational Establishments.

Theme 2. Science and Research Activities.

Theme 3. Methodology of Research Activities.

Teaches: Semko Roman

The course is dedicated to analysing the behavioural peculiarities of investors and financial managers when they make investment decisions. The classification of irrational traits of behaviour of different types of investors, which can affect the inequitable pricing on stock market — bubbles, is presented. Students are introduced to the key models of behavioural finance and are encouraged to use them on the Ukrainian real estate market.

Teaches: Primierova Olena

Course Schedule

Theme 1. Financial Services Market and Its Role in Economy.

Theme 2. Subjects of Financial Services Market.

Theme 3. Financial Intermediary Concept and Classification.

Teaches: Gluschenko Svitlana

Course Schedule

Theme 1. Financial Crisis and Sanitation of Companies.

Theme 2. Economic and Legal Issues of Sanitation, Bankruptcy and Liquidation of a Company.

Theme 3. Company’s Sanitation Conducting Plan.

Teaches: Lukianenko Iryna

Course Schedule

Theme 1. Application of ARIMA-Models in Financial Research Activities.

Theme 2. Application of ARCH and GARCH Models in Financial Processes Modeling.

Theme 3. Application of VAR (Vector-Autoregression) Models in Empirical Researches.

Teaches: Shportyuk Volodymyr

Course Schedule

Theme 1. Fundamentals of the Theory of Sets and Mathematical Logics. Logics of Predicates. Complex Numerals as The Broadening of Real Numbers.

Theme 2. Broadening of the Function Concept. Mapping. Metric and normalized Space. Equivalent Metrics and Norms. Convergence. Limit of a Function.

Theme 3. Main Classes of Sets. Rings, Algebras. Σ-rings, Σ-algebras. Monotonous Classes. Resulted Classes of Sets.

Teaches: Lukianenko Iryna

Course Schedule

Theme 1. Theoretical and Organizational Issues of Financial Management.

Theme 2. System of Financial Management Support.

Theme 3. Valuation of Money Price over Time and Its Application in Financial Estimations.

Teaches: Ivakhnenkov Serhiy

The course objective is to develop the students' skills in analyzing business transactions under International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) and to prepare financial statement information applying these standards. Principles-based accounting standards, such as IFRS, require high analytical and argumentative capabilities from preparers. Those responsible for the financial reporting need to be able to draw conclusions about how a transaction should be presented in the various financial statements, as well as in the notes to the financial statements, in the annual report as well as in interim reporting. Preparers also need to be able to understand how the reporting requirements translate into accounting requirements.

The course aims to provide students with an understanding of the application accounting standards. It aims to provide skills in how to read and interpret accounting standards as well as skills in accounting for various transactions. The course also provides an opportunity to reflect on the application of accounting standards in relation to the intended characteristic of accounting information. The focus is on IFRS and the International Accounting Standards Board's (IASB) conceptual framework

Teaches: Kaminskyy Andriy

Today, the analysis, valuation, and modelling of financial risks is one of the most important aspects of operations of every financial institution. The course introduces doctoral students to the contemporary approaches to identification and analysis of risks, estimation of their value and probability. The main mathematical methods and models of different types of risks and methods of managing risks are explored.

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