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Managing Financial Rehabilitation of a Company - Кафедра фінансів НаУКМА
Україна, 04655, м. Київ, вул. Г. Сковороди, 2 корпус 6, кім. 410, тел.(044)425-60-42, 425-77-37 (факс)

Invest in your future with the Master Program of Finance of Kyiv Mohyla Academy!

Master’s Program in Finance is a unique combination of thorough academic education and relevant experience of Ukrainian and European experts. No matter how you see your future: in the scientific field, or in the leading global or local companies, our master's program will give you the self-confidence and your managers or employers will be pleasantly surprised by the level of your preparation and competence.

We do not give all the ready answers, but we give you the opportunity to make your discoveries in a friendly atmosphere and improve your leadership skills. We do not teach you how to think, but we will show you how to transform knowledge and experience to success.

Managing Financial Rehabilitation of a Company

Teaches: Gluschenko Svitlana

Course Schedule

Theme 1. Financial Crisis and Sanitation of Companies.

Theme 2. Economic and Legal Issues of Sanitation, Bankruptcy and Liquidation of a Company.

Theme 3. Company’s Sanitation Conducting Plan.


Theme 4. Bankruptcy Diagnostics. Sanitation Controlling.

Theme 5. Sanitation Audit.

Theme 6. Financial Equilibrium of the Company. Demand for Capital.

Theme 7. Internal Sources of Company’s Financial Sanitation

Theme 8. Internal Sources of Company’s Financial Sanitation. Sanitation of a Balance.

Theme 9. External Financial Sources of Company’s Financial Sanitation.

Theme 10. Restructuring of a Company.

Theme 11. State Financial Support of Company’s Sanitation.

Theme 12. Sanitation of Economic Agents Depending on the Field of Activity.

Theme 13. Company’s Equity Cost Valuation.


  1. Act of the Ukrainian Parliament “About reinstatement of Solvency of A Debtor or Its Confession as a Bankrupt”. Adopted on May, 14, 1992, #2343-XII.
  2. Act of the Ukrainian Parliament “About Entrepreneurship” adopted on February, 7, 1991, # 698-XII
  3. Act of the Ukrainian Parliament “About Economic Companies” adopted on September, 19, 1991, #1576-XII.
  4. Act of the Ukrainian Parliament “About Taxation of Corporate Income” adopted on December, 28, 1994. #334/94-SC
  5. Act of the Ukrainian Parliament “About Valuation of Property, Property Rights and Professional Valuation Activities in Ukraine”. Adopted on July, 12, 2001, #2658-III.
  6. Bandurka O.M., Korobov M.Y., Orlov P.I , et al. Financial Sanitation of the Enterprises.: Manual. Kyiv: Lybid’, 2003.
  7. Blank I.A. Fundamentals of Financial Management. Vol. 1, 2. Kyiv, 1999.
  8. Brigham Y.F. Fundamentals of Financial Management. K., Molod’ 1997.
  9. Cheng F. li, Finnerty D.I. Corporate Finance: Theory, Methodology & Practice. (translated from English) Moscow: Infra, 2000.
  10. Civil Code of Ukraine. Adopted on January, 16, 2003, #435-IV.
  11. Corporate finance: Manual. 3rd / Podderyogin A.M. Kyiv:KNEU, 2000.
  12. Decree of the Ukrainian Government “About the Order of Peremptory Sanitation Conducting of Public Enterprises.” Adopted on March, 17, 2000. #515.
  13. Economic Code of Ukraine. Adopted on January, 16, 2003, #436-IV.
  14. James van Horn. Fundamentals of Financial Management. Moscow: Finance & Statistics, 1996.
  15. Kondrashikhin A.B., Pepa T.V., Fedosova V.O. Financial Sanitation and Bankruptcy of Companies: Manual. Kyiv: CEL, 2007.
  16. Pepa T.V., Fedorova V.O., Kondrashikhin A.B. et al. Management of the Companies’ Financial Sanitation: Educational accessory. Kyiv: CEL, 2008.
  17. Saliga S.Y, Liashchenko Y.I. Ditsiy N.V., Koretska S.O. et al. Antirecessionary Financial Management of an Enterprise. Kyiv: CEL, 2005.
  18. Tereshchenko O.O. Financial Sanitation and Bankruptcy of the Enterprises: Educational Accessory. Kyiv: KNEU, 2000.
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