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Lukianenko Iryna - Кафедра фінансів НаУКМА
Україна, 04655, м. Київ, вул. Г. Сковороди, 2 корпус 6, кім. 410, тел.(044)425-60-42, 425-77-37 (факс)

Lukianenko Iryna

Doctor of economic sciences, Professor, Head of the Finance Department NaUKMA, Head of the Master Program and Ph. D. program in Finance, Head of the scientific research laboratory, Honored Worker of Science and Technology in Ukraine

e-mail: iryna.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Address: NaUKMA, str. Voloska 8, office 410, 04070 Kyiv, Ukraine

tel.: 425-60-42; fax.: 425-77-37

Hobby: arts, literature

Favourite books: Marcel Proust In Search of Lost Time or Remembrance of Things Past, and Hermann Hesse The Wolf (Steppenwolf) 

Languages: English, Russian, French. 

Researcher IDs:

Fields of interest:

Financial management, monetary and fiscal policies, macroeconomic modeling, application of the modern econometrical methods in finance, problems of financial stability, economic growth models, modelling of complex economic systems and system dynamics, crisis diagnosis, uncertainty and risk in economics.


  • Applied Econometrics (MA)
  • Postgraduate Research Seminar (PhD)
  • Development of a dissertation project (PhD)
  • Financial econometrics in scientific research (PhD)


1981-1984 - Postgraduate course (Aspirantura, Kiev University, Cybernetics Faculty, Economic Cybernetics Department, specialization 08.00.13 "Mathematical methods and using of  computers  in economic research, planning and managing of national economy and it’s fields»

1974-1978 – Honour University degree, Kiev State University, Cybernetics faculty, Cybernetic Economic Department, profession "Mathematician -economist", specialization "Economics Cybernetics "

Academic degrees:

2005 – Doctor of Economic Sciences, National Economic University of Ministry of Education and  Sciences of Ukraine, Supreme Attestation Committee of Ukraine

 1986 - Candidate of Economic Sciences, National Economic University of Ministry of Education and  Sciences of Ukraine, Supreme Attestation Committee of USSR

Academic ranks:

1995 - Docent (Associate Professor), National University of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy, Department of Economic theory, Ministry of Education of Ukraine

2007 - Professor, National University of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy, Department of finance, Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine 

2014 - Honoured Science  and  Techniques Worker, Decree of President of Ukraine №751/2014 from 03.10.2014


Professional trainings, internships, research visits:


The  40 2022 System Dynamics Conference. Frankfurt Germany, 18-22 july isdc.systemdynamics.org


International Eurasia Programme  Final Conference, Bergen, Norway, 14-16th June 2022 (Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills, hkdir.nohttp://nyhetsbrev.hkdir.no


Thirty-eighth International System Dynamics Conference July 19–24, 2020, Bergen, Bergen University, ISEE Society, Norway


10th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT'2020) September 16-17, 2020, online Deggendorf, Germany.

2019 Staff training mobility at the University Paris-Est Creteil Val-de-Marine (UPEC) within ERASMUS+ Programm, France, Paris, 30.06.2019-5.07.2019.
2019 «Eurasia Programme Mid-Term Conference 2019», DIKU (Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education), Oslo, Norway, 24-25 April 2019. Websites: www.studyinnorway.no / www.utdanningiverden.no
2018 36 th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society (ISDC 2018), Reykjavik, Iceland, August 6-10.
2017 Staff training mobility at the University Paris-Est Creteil Val-de-Marine (UPEC) within ERASMUS+ Program, France, Paris, 3.07.2017-8.07.2017
2017 Research Workshop in Economics and Finance in the frame of the International Grant „Structuring cooperation in doctoral research, transferrable skills training, and academic writing instruction in Ukraine's regions “DocHub” (Project Number: 8 574064 – EPP-1-2016-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP). France, Lyon, 2017 June 5-10.
2015 USA, Boston, Washigton, research project visit  and participation in 33 International Conference System Dynamics Society, July 18-29, 2015
2014 Norway, Bergen, Bergen University, Participation at the Project activities “Leaning Economics with System Dynamic Modeling” December 1-7, University of Bergen, Center of System Dynamic,.
2013 Maastricht, The Netherlands. Symposium M-BEES 2013 “6th Maastricht Behavioral and Experimental Economics Symposium, Theory and Experiments, June 3, 2013, Maastricht University, Graduate School of Business and Economics of Maastricht University, The Netherlands Woorshop, June 2-15
2013 UK, Glasgow, University of Glasgow, Adam Smith Business School, 14- 18 April 2013 ,Workshop “ Asset Pricing & Corporate Finance, 15 April 2013
2012 Norway, Bergen, Stavanger Scientific workshop: Russia-Eurasia 2012: From individual choices to national strategies of international cooperation in education, November 28- December 7, University of Bergen, University of Stavanger, Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU), in cooperation with University of Stavanger.
2012 France, Paris, Університет Парі- Ест КрітельУ ( UPEC, Universite Paris-Est Creteile, The University of Paris Est Creteil), “Training for Implementation of the European Higher Education Area Third Cycle in Ukraine: France Experience”, 02.04.2012-10.04.2011
2011 France, Paris, Університет Парі- Ест КрітельУ ( UPEC, Universite Paris-Est Creteile, The University of Paris Est Creteil), “Training for Implementation of the European Higher Education Area Third Cycle in Ukraine: France Experience”, 01.04.2011-11.04.2011
2010 Online English Academic Writing Course, certification
2006 “Training for Implementation of the European Higher Education Area Third Cycle in Ukraine: France Experience” University of Pierre and Marie Curie, France, Paris,
2006 Seminar of the professional development  “Training for Implementation of the European Higher Education Area Third Cycle in Ukraine” NuPI, Bergen, Norway
 2006 Chopivski Fellowship for Scientific Research Stanford University, Economics Department
2001  International School of Economic Research, XIV Workshop “Cognitive Processes and Rationality in Economics”, Certosa di Pontignano, Siena, Italy 3-7 July
2000 Seminar “ Developing Skills in Evaluation Workshop”, Study visit to USA, Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana
1999 Seminar “ Application of Econometric Methods”, Study visit to Slovak, Nitra, Slovak Agricultural University and Cornell University, NY,USA,
1997 Summer School 1-2 Study visit to USA, Economics Institute, Boulder, Colorado
1995        Postgraduate studies in Management and marketing. Study visit to France, Lion High School
1990 –1991 Research visit to Belgium, Brussels’s Free University (ULB), Department of Economics, Business School of Solvey (Scholarship provided by the Ministry of Education of the  SUR)

Participation in international and domestic research projects (selected ones):

2020-2025 Supervisor of the fundamental  research  «Methodology and instruments of financial decision-making support in conditions of global instability and increased risks» 0120U103966
2017-2019 Co supervisor of the International project «Enhancement of Extended Learning of Economics with Dynamic Modeling» CPEA-ST/10092, 2017–2019 рр. https://espresso.siu.no/projects/?2&project=CPEA-ST/10092
2016-2019 Co supervisor of the International project “Anti-corruption and PhD mobility NHH-NaUKMA“, CPEA-LT-2016/10031 (2016-2019) with NHH Norwegian School of Economics (NO),  https://www.nhh.no/en/
2016-2019 Co supervisor of the International project “Extended Learning of Economics with  Dynamic Modeling”, CPEA-2015/10119 (2016-2019) (together with Bergen University, Norway), CPEA-2015/10119
2016-2019 Supervisor of the fundamental  research “Methodology and mathematical tools for estimation of the shadow economy and Labor Market imbalances  influence on the Financial stability and economic growth of Ukraine” ( 2016-2019; RN # 0117U004233) 
2016-2020  Member of the Project “Structuring cooperation in doctoral research, transferrable skills training, and academic writing instruction in Ukraine's regions” «Структуризація співпраці щодо аспірантських досліджень, навчання універсальних навичок та академічного письма на регіональному рівні України» (DocHub) № 574 064-EPP-1-2016-1-LT-EPPKA2- CBHE-SP EU-funded ERASMUS+ Programme, Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education Action   
2014-2015 Co supervisor of the International project „Learning Economics with Dynamic Modelling ІІІ” (together with Bergen University, Norway), CPEALA-2014/10099
2014-2016 Supervisor of the fundamental research “Theoretical and Methodological support and elaboration of the Modern mathematic tools of the coordination of the Monetary and Fiscal Policy under macroeconomic instability” ( 2014-2016; RN # 0114U001671)
2014 Co supervisor of the International project „Learning Economics with Dynamic Modelling ІІ” (( together with Bergen University, Norway, CPEALA-2013/10124)  
2012-2014 Co supervisor of the International project Learning Economics with Dynamic Modelling” (together with Bergen University, Norway)
2011-2013 Supervisor of the fundamental  research : Estimation methods of the stability of the financial system and mechanism of the mobilization of investment under Economic reform”, (registration number  0111U000743)
2010 Supervisor of the research “Analysis of sharp of exchange rate devaluation: preconditions in the world economic crisis, and assessment of the optimal amount of reserves for Ukraine in conditions of economic instability, "NBU agreement on November 3, 2010 № 4424-K
2008 Supervisor of the research “Relationship between exchange rate and indicators of foreign trade; the main factors to influence foreign direct investments and  term loans to Ukraine, the NBU, the Treaty of October 21, 2008 № 3837-K
2007-2010 Supervisor of the research  “Development of modern methods for financial decision-making", time period: I quarter of 2007 - IV quarter 2010, (№ ДР 0108U004086)
 2007-2013 Member of the International Project (Міжнародний проект TEMPUS /Tasis “Training for Implementation of the European Higher EducationArea Third Cycle in Ukraine” / Впровадження принципів третього циклу вищої освіти Європейського простору в Україні. (TEMPUS 511340-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-NL-TEMPUS- JPGR) (2007-2013). 
2004-2006 Supervisor of the Research Project “Development of the Methodologies of the Modelling Methods of the processes of the Regulation of the Ukrainian Economy", Ministry of Finance, Kiev (# SR 0104U000540)
2004-2005 Coordinator, Expert, Project “Green and White book: Conception of the Development and Reconstruction of the System of the State Financial Controlling and Audit in Ukraine” (Agreement #DG/CQ_1-3/2004, The Grand of Holland №TF050270 from the International Bank of Development and Reconstruction)
2002 Scientific Consultant of World Bank on Problems of poverty risk reduction: labor market policy; problems of wage payments, unemployment duration, analysis of the effectiveness of active labour market policy.
2000-2001 Coordinator, Expert, Project “The Econometrics Models and Methods of the Budget system indicators and financial level of the regions of Ukraine, Ministry of Finance
2000 Coordinator, Expert, ProjectEconometrics Approaches to the Development of the financial Program of the Local Authorities, Scientific grand supported by Ministry of Finance
2000-2001 Expert, Project “Interbudget relationships: the Development of the transfers system in Ukraine”. (World bank: Japan Grand № TF025816)
1999-2000 Coordinator, Expert, ProjectEconometrics Approaches to the Development of the financial Program of the Local Authorities, Scientific grand  supported by Ministry of Finance
1994-1995 Eurasia Foundation’s Grand for first Ukrainian manual in econometrics


Professional activity:

1993 – currently Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of Economics,Head of the Department of Finance at National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”,Director of the Master program in Finance at National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”,Director of the doctoral program in Finance at National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”,Head of Laboratory of Finance and Economic Research,Associate professor of the Master’s Program in  Economics (Economic Education and Research  Consortium, EERC) from NaUKMA  Professor, Kyiv School of Economics (till 2010)
2006-2010 EROC Affiliated faculty (supervisor of EROC aspirants, EROC Board member)
2005-  currently Member of Ukrainian Association of Economists
2006-2010 Member of the Editor Board of the Journal of Economic Development (Journal of the Ukrainian Economics Association)
2006- currently Chief-editor of the Scientific Journal of the  Naukma. Series: Economics Sciences ”.
2006- currently Chief-editor of the Journal “Magisterium: Economics”, NaUKMA
2010-2012 Member of the Scientific Board of  Forecasting Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
2006- currently Member of Specialization  Scientific Board of the Doctoral Thesis Defence  at  Kiev National University of Economics Д 26.006.06
2008-2010 Member of the Special  Scientific Board of the Doctoral Thesis Defence  D 26.853.01 at  Financial Research Institute of the Academy of Financial Management of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
2008-2010 Member of the  Scientific Board at  Financial Research Institute of the Academy of Financial Management of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
2010-currently Member of the  Special  Scientific Board of the Doctoral Thesis Defence 26.055.03 at Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
2008- currently Deputy Chief of the expert committee on applied and fundamental research. Section "Economy" at Ministry of education of Ukraine.
2007- currently Finance Expert at Ministry of Education of Ukraine
2007- currently Expert in All-Ukrainian expert Network in economy, www.experts.net.ua
2010- currently Chief-editor  of Editorial Board of Finance special issue on electronic publication "Mohyliansky Journal»(Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Journal)
2009- currently Member  of  the Editorial Board of  the Scientific Journal of the Ukrainian economist association “ Economic Development”,  Sumi, publishing house „МаcDеn”
2012-currently Member  of  the Editorial Board of  the Scientific Journal „Neurons- uncertain Modeling technologies in Economics” at  Kiev National University of Economics  of Vadim Getman
2015 - currently Member  of  the Editorial Board of  the Scientific Journal „Economic Bulletin of the University”, Pereyaslav-Chmelnizki.
2012 - currently Member of the Public Council at the State financial inspection of Ukraine.
2008- 2014  Member of the  Board Competition Commission of the Ukrainian completion of the  students scientific research at the direction of  “Quantities methods in Economics”.
2017-currently  Member of the economic section of the Committee of the State award in Science and Techniques.  
2016-currently Member of the  High Expert Board Commission under National bank of Ukraine
2018-2021 Head  of the  Appellation Board Competition Commission of the Ukrainian completion of the  students scientific  research at the direction of  “Finance and Credit ”
2020-currently Member of the  Board Competition Commission of the Ukrainian completion of the  students scientific  research at the direction of  “Quantities methods in Economics”.


Participation in the international conferences:


The  40 2022 System Dynamics Conference. Frankfurt Germany, 18-22 july isdc.systemdynamics.org


International Eurasia Programme Final Conference, Bergen, Norway, 14-16th June 2022 (Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills, hkdir.nohttp://nyhetsbrev.hkdir.no). 


Thirty-eighth International System Dynamics Conference July 19–24, 2020, Bergen, Bergen University, ISEE Society, Norway


10th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT'2020) September 16-17, 2020, online Deggendorf, Germany

2019 «Eurasia Programme Mid-Term Conference 2019»,  DIKU (Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education), Oslo, Norway, 24 - 25 April 2019. Websites: www.studyinnorway.no / www.utdanningiverden.no
2018 18th International Scientific Conference Globalization and its socio-economic consequences, Proceedings, University of Zilina, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communication, Department of Economics, Slovak Republic, Rajecke Teplice
2018 36 th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society (ISDC 2018), Reykjavik, Iceland, August 6-10
2015 33 Internation System Dynamics Conference, July 19 - July 23, 2015 Cambridge, USA
2013 Developments in Economics Education conference 2013, 5-6 September 2013, University of Exeter’s Business School, Royal Economic Society, University of BRISTOL, UK
2013 Symposium M-BEES 2013 6 Maastricht Behavioral and Experimental Economics Symposium, Theory and Experiments, June 3, 2013, Maastricht University, Graduate School of Business and Economics of Maastricht University, The Netherlands
2013 UK, Glasgow, University of Glasgow, Adam Smith Business School, Workshop “ Asset Pricing & Corporate Finance, 15 April 2013
2012 Scientific workshop: Russia-Eurasia 2012: From individual choices to national strategies of international cooperation in education ,  2012, 5-7 December, SIU, Norway, Stavanger
2011 71 st International Atlantic Economic Conference,Athens,Greece, 16-19 March 2011
2010 VIII International Conference Konbin,, Poland, Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych,ul. Księcia Bolesława 6,01-494 Warszawa, Poland, May 2010
2008 XVIIIth International Symposium Research-Education-Technology, Gdansk, 26-27 June, 2008.
2007 International Scientific School:’Modelling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems”, September 2-9,2007, Saint-Petersburg,Russia
2007 Fachhochschule Stralsund University of Applied Sciences Fachbereich Maschinenbau conference,  1-5 October 2007, Stralsund, Germany.
2006 Stanford lectures on Ukraine, February 2006, Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies at Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA  18 February, 2006
2006 International Seminar “ The problems of Economic Development of Ukraine”, Stanford University, California, 4-6  March б 2006
2003 International Scientific School:’Modelling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems”, August 20-23, 2003, Saint-Petersburg,Russia,
2001 Certosa di Pontignano, Siena, ItalyInternational School of Economic Research, XIV Workshop “Cognitive Processes and Rationality in Economics”, 3-7 July
2000 Indiana University, Bloomington,USADeveloping Skills in Evaluation Workshop (organized by the National Council on Economic Education)


Key qualifications (relevant to the programme):

in-depth knowledge of economies in transition with special reference to the macroeconomic forecasting, macroeconometric modelling, fiscal and monetary policy, social economics problems, financial managements skills;

in-depth knowledge of Ukrainian budget system and relevant legislation;

provided policy advice to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine;

familiar with Ukrainian legislation on economic issues;

sound writing and presentation skills;

in-depth knowledge of the problems in economic reform in Ukraine;

experience in international project management


Main publications

More than 200 publications

Scientific monographs:

1. Lukianenko Iryna.  Asymmetries and Nonlinearities in Socio-Economic Sphere/ Iryna Lukianenko, Marianna Oliskevych – LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2018. – 84 p. ISBN : 978-613-9-87658-7, EAN: 9786139876587. Available at: https://www.morebooks.shop/store/gb/book/asymmetries-and-nonlinearities-in-socio-economic-sphere/isbn/978-613-9-87658-7

2. Modern Management Economy and Administration. Monograph. Opole: The Academy of Management and Admanistration in Jpole, 2018.-216 p. (part 2.2. Lukianenko Iryna, Rud Kateryna. Positive and negative implications of development of cryptocurrency market. – PP.115-123). Available at: https://www.wszia.opole.pl/oferta-edukacyjna/pedagogika/ebooki/

3. Lukianenko I. Labor market Modeling:Regional Unevenness and Economic Integration. Monography /I.Lukianenko, M.Oliskevych.- LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2017. - 72 p. Available  at: https://www.morebooks.de/store/gb/book/labor-market-modeling:-regional-unevenness-and-economic-integration/isbn/978-620-2-02265-1

4. System analysis of the State policy formation under macroeconomic destabilization/ under scientific redaction of the prof. Lukianenko I.G..-К.: NaUKMA, 2017.- 464 p.

5. Innovations in the Development of Socio-Economic Systems: Microeconomic, Macroeconomic and Mesoeconomic Levels. – Collective monograph / edited by J. Zukovskis, K. Shaposhnykov. – Vol. 1. Lithuania : “Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”, 2016. – 324 p. // Dynamic Analysis of Macroeconomic Fluctuation Sources in Ukraine (Lukianenko I. G., Oliskevych M. O.), P. 262–278

6. Lukianenko I.G.. Macrofinance stability: methods and models. Monography/ I.G.Lukianenko, О.І. Faryna. –К.: «ГLIF Медіа», 2016, - 187 p. Available at: http://www.ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/10878

7. Information aspects of socio-economic system development. Series of monographs Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Applied Arts. Katowice School of Technology. Monograph 5. part Modeling sustainable development of socio-economic system. 5.5. Iryna Lukianenko, Alina Novik. Simulation model of labor supply and demand in Ukraine.- Wydawnictwo Wyzszey Szkoly Technicrnej w Katowicach, 2016. - 382-391 pp

8. Lukianenko I.G. General equilibrium dynamic stochastic models: Theory and practice of the utilization of financial investigation / І.G.Lukianenko, R.B.Semko..-К.: NaUKMA. 2015.- 248 p.

9. Modeling and information technologies in the Iinvestigation of social-scence system and Practical application: Monograph/ under scientific redaction of prof. V.S.Ponomarenko, prof. T.S.Klebanova,.-Berdyansk, FL-P.Tkachuk, 2014.- 604 p. (Lukianenko I., Oliskevych M. R.1 Modern approach to  consumption  modeling in Ukraine, p.51-78)

10. Lukianenko I.G. Innovative and information technologies in the Development of national economy:theory and practice: Monograph / under scientific redaction of T.S.Klebanova, V.P.Nevegin , E.I.Shohin.-M.: New Technologies, 2013.- 528 p.

11. Lukianenko I.G.. The Modern problem of the Forecasting of the social-economic process: conceptions, models, applications: / Monograph / under scientific redaction of O.I.Chernyak, P.V.Zahariychenko, Berdyansk: Publishing houseTkachuk, 2012.-564 p. (Lukianenko, paragrach 1.7. The models of the International reserve management “p..87-101).ISBN 978-966-2261-36-3е

12. Lukianenko I.G.. The panel data models of the capital structure management / Modeling of the social-economic systems : theory and practice: / Monograph / under scientific redaction of V.S. Ponomarenko, T.S.Klebanova, N.A.Kizima. –Charkiv,.: Publishing house Aleksandrova K.M.,INGEK – 592p (358-375).

13. Lukianenko I.G. Development of the analytic-accounting supply of the management of the enterprises / Monograph under scientific redaction of prof. Bilopolski M.G., Donezk, East Publishing house, 2012.- 372 p.

14. Lukianenko I.G.. Diagnostic of Financial Crisis: analysis, methods, models / I.G.Lukianenko, V.M.Guk and others / under scientific redaction of I.G.Lukianenko. - Monograph, К.: AgrarMedia Group, 2011.- 197p..

15. Lukianenko I.G. Finacial and Economic Problems of the stable economic development of Ukraine. / under scientific redaction of F.Golovchuk, О.О. Nepochatenko. (part 1). Collective monograph -Uman, Publishing house, Vizavi ( editor Cochinski), 2010.- 304 p. (P.9(-17) ISBN 978-966-1604-55-0)

16. Lukianenko I.G.. The Modern problems of the Modeling of the social-economic systems / Collective Monograph / under scientific redaction of V.S. Ponomarenko, T.S.Klebanova, N.A.Kizima. – Kharkiv: Publishing house Aleksandrova K.M., INGEK, 20. – 440p (P.248-260). 

17. Modelling of the Budget system indicators. Principles and tools /Monography,K.: VD ’KMAcademia’, 2004.-584 p. – In Ukrainian.

18. The Methodological aspects of development and application of macroeconometric models: the case of Ukraine (with Kvadja Sultan, Yu.Gorodnichenko) /Monography, K.: ’KMAcademia’, 2000.-204 p. – In English and in Ukrainian

19. The econometric approach to analysis of local budget finance program of Ukraine/Monography, K.: ’KMAcademia’, 2000.-121 p. – In Ukrainian

20. Dynamics macroeconometrics Models / Monography, K: VD ’KMAcademia’, 2003.-50 p. In Ukrainian

21. Real effective Exchange rate: economic issue, models and applications (with S.Mihalichenk)/Monography, K: VD ’KMAcademia’, 2003.-197 p. - In Ukrainian

22. Iryna Lukianenko, David Wheat, Marianne Oliskevych, and oth.: Financial Policy in Terms of Shadowing and Imbalances in the Labor Market: Methodology and Tools. Monograph- Kyiv: NaUKMA, 2020. - 443 p. Available at: http://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/bitstream/handle/123456789/19492/Finansova_polityka_v_umovakh_tinizatsii_ta_dysbalansiv_na_rynku_pratsi%20.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y


Textbooks and manuals:

1. Econometrics (with Krasnikova L.) . Theory and Practice. (Textbook). . — К.: Znannya, 1998 — 493p. – In Ukrainian.

2. Econometrics: workshop with computer using (with Krasnikova L.). Kyiv, Znanja, 1998, 217 p.

3. Modern Econometrics models in Finance (Texbook), K.: Litera, 2003.-348 p. - In Ukrainian

4. Practikum of Microeconomics: Tests, Case studies, exercises (with Krasnikova L.I.) (textbook). К.Publishing house «КМ Academy, 2005. – 317p.

5. The investment and securities estimation in the financial management (Texbook), K.: NaUKMA, AgrarMediaGroup, 2012.-227 p.

6. Lukianenko I.G., Zhuk V. M. Time series analysis. Part 1. ARIMA, ARCH/GARCH models with Views 6.0. Practical manual. - К.: NaUKMA; AgroMedia Group, 2013.-187 p

7. Lukianenko I.G., Zhuk V. M. Time series analysis. Part 2. VAR & VECM models with Views 6.0. Practical manuel. - К.: NaUKMA; AgroMedia Group, 2013. - 176 p

8. Lukianenko I.G. Steps of the elaboration of the aggregate simultaneous equations model of the Ukrainian economy with the shadow production: instructions / Lukianenko I.G., Nasachenko M.Yu.; NaUKMA, Kyiv. - 115 p.



  1. The problems of the estimation of the border effect in Ukraine / Scientific paper of UKMA, Economics, K.: 2008 р.45-57 - In English.
  2. Multi-Factor Index of Public Health: Empirical Analysis and Application in Economic Development of Transition Economies (with Krasnikova L.I., Konoreva T.) // Journal of Konbin, Versita Warsaw, ISSN 1895-8281, Volume 4,# 1,2008. - PP 133-148 - In English.
  3. Forecasting of the tax revenue with application of the ECM Models (with Yu.Gorodnichenko) // Finance of Ukraine. - 2001.-#7 - p.89-99 - In Ukrainian.
  4. Economico-Mathematical analysis of the Influence of the Property Rights protection to the Economics Growth of Ukraine // Modeling and Informatic Systems in the Economie, V.68.- К.:КNEU, 2002.-p. 105-119 - In Ukrainian.
  5. The Tax system in Ukraine and the potential of the Economic Growth // Economis: Theory proplems and applications, - Dnipropetrovsk: DNU, 2003. - V.174: in 2 parts. - part II. - p.420-430. In Ukrainian.
  6. The concept of tax elasticity as a measure of taxation system efficiency in Ukraine // Problems and Perspectives in Management, Sumy, Ukraine, 2003. - №1. - Р.17-25. - In English.
  7. The fiscal policy Effects in Ukraine // Theory of Stochastic Processes,9(25) №3-4, TviMC, Kiev, 2003. - Р.81-86. - In English.
  8. Incidence of wage arrears in Ukaine (with Grishina O.) // KONBiN’2003 – The 3-rd Safety and Reliability International Conference, Gdynia, May 26-30, Wydawnictwo Instytutu Technicznego Wojsk Lotniczych, Warszawa, Poland, Vol.1; Block1.9, 2003. - Р.79-87 - In English.
  9. Estimation of the Ukrainian regional convergence by econometric models // Materials of the International Scientific School: "Modelling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems”, August 20-23, 2003, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. - Р.194-200. – In English.
  10. The empirical estimation of the private Consumption function in Ukraine // Scientific paper of UKMA, Economics, K.: VD ‘Pedagogy”, 2003. -V.21.-p 3-9 - In Ukrainian.
  11. The problems of the testing of the Econometrics Models // Economic Cybernetics. International Scientific Paper. - Donezk, 2004.- 3-4(27-28). - p.100-107.
  12. Theoretical and Practical Aspects the coordination of the Fiscal and Monetary Policy in Ukraine // Paper of the Conference” Strategy of the Monetary Policy”. К.: NBU, World bank, 25-26 April 2002. - p.252-255.
  13. Influence of the change of the Personal Income Tax to the Work Motivation // Economy and Forecasting, Kyiv, #4,2004. - p.61-71.
  14. The Modelings of the Influence of the tax policy on the Economic Growth in Ukraine // Scientific paper of NDFI. – 2005. - V.3(32). - p.71-78.
  15. Regulation mechanism and Specific of Ukrainian Financial market // Visnik of the Sumi University, Serie Finance and Credit, №1(20), 2006, p.9-17.
  16. Лук’яненко І.Г. Моделювання ефекту переливу інновацій на регіональному рівні // Таврійський науковий вісник: Науковий журнал.Вип.60ю Частина ІІ.- Херсон: Айлант, 2008. - С.66-76.
  17. Лук’яненко І.Г. Методологічні підходи до моделювання інфляційних процесів / І.Г. Лук’яненко // Наукові записки НаУКМА. - Т.94. Економічні науки. - К.:Видавничий дім “KM Академія”, 2009. - C.58-65 (0.6 др.арк.- Ф.).
  18. Лук’яненко І.Г., Жук В.М. Методологічні підходи до розрахунку фінансових показників оцінки торгівлі для національної економіки / І.Г. Лук’яненко, В.М. Жук // Наукові праці НДФІ. – Вип. 1 (46), 2009. - С. 34 – 41 (0,5 др.арк.- Ф).
  19. Лук’яненко І.Г., Грозава К.С. Математичні методи тестування кризового стану в діяльності страхових компаній / І.Г. Лук’яненко, К.С. Грозава //  Таврійський науковий вісник: Зб. наук. пр. - Херсон, ХДАУ. - 2009. - Вип. 63. - Част. 2. - С. 153-165. (0.7 др. арк. – Ф).
  20. Лук’яненко І.Г. Оптимізація інвестиційної діяльності в умовах підвищеного ризику / І.Г. Лук’яненко // Наукові праці «Бізнес Информ» ХНЕУ, т.2. - Харків, ХНЕУ. - 2009. - С.31-33 (0.5 др.арк. – П).
  21. Лук’яненко І.Г. Методологія моделювання фінансово-економічних процесів на основі класичних підходів // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Економічні науки. - Київ, том 107. - 2010. - С.49-57.
  22. Лук'яненко І.Г. Моделювання впливу зміни монетарних режимів на фінансово-економічний розвиток країн з перехідною економікою / І.Г.Лук’яненко, В.М. Жук // Науковий журнал „Економіка і прогнозування”. - Київ, 2011. - № 2(квітень-червень). - С.130-152.
  23. Лук'яненко І.Г. Особливості побудови динамічної стохастичної моделі загальної рівноваги для аналізу економіки України / І.Г. Лук'яненко , Р.Б. Семко // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Економічна кібернетика". - Донецьк, ДонНУ, 2010. - №4-6(64-66). - С.48-59.
  24. Лук’яненко І.Г. Оцінка ймовірності настання кризових явищ в фінансовому секторі України // Науковий журнал „Бізнес Інформ”, Харків, №5(2), 2011(399). - С.50-54.
  25. Лук’яненко І.Г. Макроекономічна модель бюджетного сектору та особливості її сценарної реалізації для України / І.Г. Лук’яненко, М.Я.Сидорович // Вісник Одеського державного економічного університету, т.15, вип.20. Економіка. - Одеса, 2010. - С.155-167.
  26. Lukianenko I.G.. The Forecasting of the consequences of the Economic Policy under the macro model of the General Equilibrium / І.G. Lukianenko, R. B. Semko // Actual Problems of Economics . – 2012 . – № 1. – p. 303-319.
  27. Лук'яненко, І.Г. Моделювання впливу змін фіскальної політики на економіку України / І.Г. Лук'яненко // Науковий журнал «Бізнес Інформ», Видавничий дім «Інжек», Харків, № 4. - 2012.(411). - C.197-201.
  28. Лук’яненко І. Г. Монетарна політика та флуктуації на фондовому ринку України / І. Г. Лук’яненко, Р. Б. Семко // Економіка і прогнозування. — № 4. — 2012. — С. 110 — 122.
  29. Iryna Lukianenko, Mariia Sydorovych. Impact of Fiscal Policy On Economic Development in Ukraine. Hyperion International Journal of Econophysics and New Economy, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2013, p. 91-11.
  30. Lukianenko I. Labour Market in Ukraine: an Empirical Dynamic Analysis Using Error Correction Model / I.Lukyanenko, M. Oliskevych // Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics. – V # 6(159), 2014. - P.52-58 (engl)(Вісник Київського Національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка Економіка. - Вип. - 6(159), 2014. – С.52-58).
  31. I.G.Lukianenko, D.Wheat, Ia..Stelmashenko Learning Economics with Dynamic Modeling. A Norwegian-Ukrainian Collaboration Project” , Innovative Teaching Initiatives section / paper of 33 International Conference System Dynamics Society, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, July 19-23, 2015-08-25. Available at: http://www.systemdynamics.org/web.portal?P1371+0 (engl).
  32. I.Lukianenko. The Effects of Shocks on the Ukrainian Labour Market: SVAR Approach / Lukianenko Iryna, Oliskevych Marianna // Science.Direct. Procedia Economics and Finance. - Volume 27, 2015. - P.311-322. Available at: http://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S2212567115010023; DOI: 10.1016/S2212-5671(15)01002-3 W&S.
  33. Lukianenko I.G. The Modelling of Registered Unemployment Rate Nonlinear Dynamics in Ukraine by Means of Threshold Autoregression / I. G.Lukianenko, M. O. Oliskevych // The Problems of Economy. – 2015. – N 3. – C. 309–316.
  34. Лук’яненко І.Г., Семко Р.Б. Особливості застосування та реалізації моделі Європейської комісії QUEST III з розширеним фіскальним блоком / І.Г. Лук’яненко, Р.Б. Семко Р.Б // Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка.Економіка. - 2015. -№12(177). - с.17-31. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2015/177-12/3. Available at http://bulletin-econom.univ.kiev.ua/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/177_3-1.pdf
  35. Lukianenko I.G., Novik A.Y.. Investigation of the Labor market with system dynamics models / І. G. Lukianenko, А. Y.Novik // Scientific paper of NaUKMA. —2016. — Vol. 185. — P. 106–118.
  36. Lukianenko I.G., Dadashova P.A. Monetary and Fiscal policies interaction in Ukraine / Iryna G. Lukianenko, Pervin A. Dadashova // Актуальні проблеми економіки. - 2016. - №5(179). - P.295-307. Available at: http://eco-science.net/downloads.html. Scopus.
  37. Lukianenko I.G. Evidence of asymmetries and nonlinearity of Unemployment and labour force participation rate in Ukraine / Lukianenko, M.Oliskevych // Prague Economic Papers. – 26(5). – 2017. –P. – 578–601. Available at: https://doi.org/10.18267/j.pep.633 Scopus.
  38. Lukianenko I.G. Modeling of the migration process influence on labor market and socio-economic development of Ukraine / I.G. Lukianenko // Економічний вісник університету. Збірник наукових праць учених та аспірантів, Переяслав-Хмельницький. - вип. № 34/1. – 2017. – С. 335-346. Available at: www.economik.phdpu.edu.ua.
  39. Lukianenko I. Structural Change and Labor Market Integration: Evidence from Ukraine / Iryna Lukianenko, Marianna Oliskevych // International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. – 2017. – Vol. 7 (3). – P. 501-509. Scopus. Available at: https://www.econjournals.com/index.php/ijefi/article/view/4767/pdf
  40. Lukianenko I., Novik A. The Dynamic Modelling of Migration Flows in Ukraine in the Context of Globalization // Proceedings of 18th International Scientific Conference: Globalization and Its Socio-Economic Consequences (10th – 11th October 2018. Part 1. - Economic Impact of Migration. - P.276-281. Available at: https://ke.uniza.sk/sites/default/files/content_files/i_part_final_0.pdf
  41. Oliskevych M., Lukianenko I. Labor Force Participation in Eastern European Countries: Nonlinear Modeling // Journal of Economic Studies, (Scopus), 2019. - Vol. 46 No. 6, P.1258-1279. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1108/JES-07-2018-0235
  42. Lukianenko I.G., Donkoglova T.O. Comparative analysis of current trends in wage dynamics in Ukraine and in the European Union/ I.G.Lukianenko, T.O. Donkoglova // Наукові записки НаУКМА (Scientific papers NaUKMA.Economics. —2019. — Т. 4. — № 1. - Р. 66–74. DOI: 10.18523/2519-4739.20194.1.66-74. Available at: http://spne.ukma.edu.ua 
  43. Sova Y., Lukianenko I. Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Monetary Policy and Stock Market Indices // 2020 10th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT). – IEEE, 2020. – С. 708-711. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACIT49673.2020.9208926 (Scopus)
  44. Lukianenko, I.Oliskevych, M.Bazhenova, O. Regime switching modeling of unemployment rate in eastern Europe. Ekonomicky casopis, 2020, 68(4), pp. 380-408. Скопус.http://cejsh.icm.edu.pl/cejsh/element/bwmeta1.element.cejsh-76a31cc8-9e67-4e21-a51e-e98181b4fbe5 або https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341606818_Regime_Switching_Modeling_of_Unemployment_Rate_in_Eastern_Europe
  45. Lukianenko I. Inflation Expectations Investigation Using Markov Regime-Switching Autoregression / I.Lukianenko, M.Nasachenko, T.Tokarchuk // Montenegrin Journal of Economics. – 2021. – Vol.18. – №1. – P.19-29 Скопус http://mnje.com/sites/mnje.com/files/currentissue/komplet_-_vol._18_no.1.pdf 
  46. Sova Y., Lukianenko I. Empirical Evaluation of Monetary Policy Transmission to Stock Markets and Further Transfer of Macroeconomic Shocks to the Real Sector // Journal of International Studies. – 2022. – вип. 15(1). – С.117-132. https://doi.org/10.14254/2071-8330.2022/15-1/8 (Scopus, 1-ий квартиль).


Publications in English (selected):

  1. Lukyanenko I.G. The concept of tax elasticity as a measure of taxation system efficiency in Ukraine // Problems and Perspectives in Management, Sumy, Ukraine, 2003.- №1.- Р.17-25.( 0,6 д.а.)
  2. Lukyanenko I.G., Raryzka O. The fiscal policy Effects in Ukraine // Theory of Stochastic Processes,9(25) №3-4, TviMC, Kiev, 2003. - Р.81-86.
  3. Grishina O., LukyanenkoI. Incidence of wage arrears in Ukaine // KONBiN’2003 – The 3-rd Safety and Reliability International Conference,Gdynia, May 26-30, Wydawnictwo Instytutu Technicznego Wojsk Lotniczych,Warszawa, Poland, Vol.1; Block1.9, 2003. - Р.79-87.
  4. Lukyanenko I. Estimation of the Ukrainian regional convergence by econometric models // Materials of the International Scientific School: "Modelling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems”, August 20-23, 2003, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. - Р.194-200.
  5. Lukianenko I., Gorodnichenko Y., Huzenko S. The problems of the estimation of the border effect in Ukraine // Ukraine- Naukovi Zapyski, V.81, Economics, KM Academia, 2008 р.45-57.
  6. Iryna Lukyanenko, Larysa Krasnikova, Yuriy Podvysotskiy. Prerequisities for positive impact of foreign direct investments on Economic Growth // Journal of KONBiN 2,3 (14,15), Poland, Versita, Warsaw, 2010. - P.99-104, ISSN 1895-8281 DOI - 10.2478/v10040-008-0168-6
  7. Lukianenko I, Suchok I. Estimation of the influence of foreign bank presence on the level of crediting in Ukraine, 2011, Electronic journal, (Kyiv Mohyla Aсаdemy Journal). Available at: http://journal.ukma.kiev.ua/index.php/naulma/index
  8. Lukianenko I. Modeling of health impact on inequality in transition countries / I.Lukianenko, Y.Podvysotskiy. - Naukovi zapiski NaUKMA. Economic science, volume.133, 2012.- P.94-98
  9. Iryna Lukianenko, Mariia Sydorovych. Impact of Fiscal Policy On Economic Development in Ukraine. Hyperion International Journal of Econophysics and New Economy, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2013, p 91-117
  10. Lukianenko I. Labour Market in Ukraine: an Empirical Dynamic Analysis Using Error Correction Model / I.Lukyanenko, M. Oliskevych // Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics. – V # 6(159), 2014. - P.52-58 (engl).
  11. I.G. Lukianenko, D.Wheat, Ia.Stelmashenko Learning Economics with Dynamic Modeling. A Norwegian-Ukrainian Collaboration Project”, Innovative Teaching Initiatives section / paper of 33 International Conference System Dynamics Society, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, July 19-23, 2015-08-25. Available at: http://www.systemdynamics.org/web.portal?P1371+0 (engl).
  12. I.Lukianenko. The Effects of Shocks on the Ukrainian Labour Market: SVAR Approach / Lukianenko Iryna, Oliskevych Marianna // Science.Direct. Procedia Economics and Finance. - Volume 27, 2015. - P.311-322. Available at: http://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S2212567115010023; DOI: 10.1016/S2212-5671(15)01002-3
  13. Lukianenko I.G. The Modelling of Registered Unemployment Rate Nonlinear Dynamics in Ukraine by Means of Threshold Autoregression / I. G.Lukianenko, M. O. Oliskevych // The Problems of Economy. – 2015. – N 3. – C. 309–316.
  14. Information aspects of socio-economic system development. Series of monographs Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Applied Arts. Katowice School of Technology. Monograph 5. part 16. Modeling sustainable development of socio-economic system. 5.5. Iryna Lukianenko, Alina Novik. Simulation model of labor supply and demand in Ukraine.- Wydawnictwo Wyzszey Szkoly Technicrnej w Katowicach, 2016. - P.382-391.
  15. Iryna G. Lukianenko, Pervin A. Dadashova. Monetary and Fiscal policies interaction in Ukraine / Lukianenko I.G., Dadashova P.A // Актуальні проблеми економіки. - 2016. - №5(179). - P.295-307. Available at: http://eco-science.net/downloads.html. Scopus.
  16. Lukianenko I.G. Evidence of asymmetries and nonlinearity of Unemployment and labour force participation rate in Ukraine / Lukianenko, M.Oliskevych // Prague Economic Papers. – 26(5). – 2017. –P. – 578–601. Available at: https://doi.org/10.18267/j.pep.633 Scopus.
  17. Lukianenko I. Labor market Modeling:Regional Unevenness and Economic Integration. Monography / I.Lukianenko, M.Oliskevych. - LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2017. - 72 p. Available  at: https://www.morebooks.de/store/gb/book/labor-market-modeling:-regional-unevenness-and-economic-integration/isbn/978-620-2-02265-1 
  18. Lukianenko I. Structural Change and Labor Market Integration: Evidence from Ukraine / Iryna Lukianenko, Marianna Oliskevych // International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. – 2017. – Vol. 7 (3). – P. 501-509. Scopus. Available at: https://www.econjournals.com/index.php/ijefi/article/view/4767/pdf 
  19. Lukianenko I., Novik A. The Dynamic Modelling of Migration Flows in Ukraine in the Context of Globalization // Proceedings of 18th International Scientific Conference: Globalization and Its Socio-Economic Consequences (10th – 11th October 2018. Part 1. - Economic Impact of Migration. - 276-281. Available at: https://ke.uniza.sk/sites/default/files/content_files/i_part_final_0.pdf 
  20. Oliskevych M., Lukianenko I. Labor Force Participation in Eastern European Countries: Nonlinear Modeling // Journal of Economic Studies, (Scopus), 2019. - Vol. 46 No. 6, pp. 1258-1279. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1108/JES-07-2018-0235 
  21. Lukianenko I.G., Donkoglova T.O. Comparative analysis of current trends in wage dynamics in Ukraine and in the European Union / I.G.Lukianenko, T.O. Donkoglova // Наукові записки НаУКМА (Scientific papers NaUKMA.Economics. —2019. — Т. 4. — № 1. - Р. 66–74. DOI: 10.18523/2519-4739.20194.1.66-74. Available at: http://spne.ukma.edu.ua 
  22. Sova Y., Lukianenko I. Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Monetary Policy and Stock Market Indices // 2020 10th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT). – IEEE, 2020. – С. 708-711. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACIT49673.2020.9208926 (Scopus)
  23. Lukianenko, I.Oliskevych, M.Bazhenova, O. Regime switching modeling of unemployment rate in eastern Europe. Ekonomicky casopis, 2020, 68(4), pp. 380-408. Скопус.http://cejsh.icm.edu.pl/cejsh/element/bwmeta1.element.cejsh-76a31cc8-9e67-4e21-a51e-e98181b4fbe5 
  24. Lukianenko I. Inflation Expectations Investigation Using Markov Regime-Switching Autoregression / I.Lukianenko, M.Nasachenko, T.Tokarchuk // Montenegrin Journal of Economics. – 2021. – Vol.18. – №1. – P.19-29 Скопус http://mnje.com/sites/mnje.com/files/currentissue/komplet_-_vol._18_no.1.pdf 
  25. Sova Y., Lukianenko I. Empirical Evaluation of Monetary Policy Transmission to Stock Markets and Further Transfer of Macroeconomic Shocks to the Real Sector // Journal of International Studies. – 2022. – вип. 15(1). – С. 117-132. https://doi.org/10.14254/2071-8330.2022/15-1/8 (Scopus, 1-ий квартиль).


Awards and honours:

2022 Order of princesss Olga III degree. Decree of President of Ukraine 30.09.2022,      №676/2022, series ОК № 053032, sign of order # 4394
2022 Honor Worker of NaUKMA,  Certificate  №7, 29.09.2022
2021 Honor distinction of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for personal contribution to the development of education and science of Ukraine.
2019 Honor distinction of the Department of education and science of Kyiv State administration
2019 Winner of the Competition “The best lecturer of the year of NaUKMA”
2018 Honor distinction of the NaUKMA for the best scientific publication
2017 Honor distinction of the Raiffaizen Bank Aval as the best PhD students advisor
2015 Honor distinction of the Raiffaizen Bank Aval as the best PhD students advisor
2014 Honoured Science  and  Techniques Worker,Decree of the President of Ukraine from  3.10.2014,№ 757/2014
2014 Honor distinction of the Raiffaizen Bank Aval as the best PhD students advisor
2012 Winner of the Competition “ The best lecturer of the year of NaUKMA”
2012 Honor Diploma of Ernst&Yang Company  for highest  profecional skills.
2012 Honor distinction of the Raiffaizen Bank Aval as the best PhD students advisor
2010 Honor Diploma as the very favourite lecturer of the economic faculty of NaUKMA
2010 Honor distinction of the Raiffaizen Bank Aval as the best PhD students advisor
2009 Award “High achiever of Education” for personal contribution to the development of education and science given by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine  № 290-r of 13.05.2009
2007 Diploma by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine personal contribution into the development of the science, awarded on the Day of Science (2007, № 119 160)
2006 Laureate of Petro Mohyla Award in Social Sciences
2005 Diploma by Podils state administration for significant contributions to the creation of material and spiritual values, and for high professionalism (Order number 113kr of 11 October 2005)
2004 Medal of St.Peter Mohyla awarded by National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Medal (№ 21) for significant contribution to the development of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (2004)
2003 Diplomas by Kiev mayor for personal contribution to the preparation of highly qualified specialists; and for fruitful scientific work and educational activities (from October 15, 2003, № 3624).
2001 Grant given by Scholarship Fund of the International Commercial Bank for fruitful scientific and pedagogical activities (from 2001)


Additional information:

  • 2012 – Best lecturer of the year of the NaUKMA
  • 2012 - Best supervisor in PhD programms
  • 2012 – Best scientist
  • 2010 – Best supervisor in PhD programms
  • 2010 – Beloved lecturer at the Faculty of Economics
  • 2009 – Vadym Hetman Scholarship for scientific and research work
  • 2004 – International sertificate with approval to teach in international programs
  • 2000 - Who is who among women-scientists in the World, 17 edition, USA
  • 1998 -  Who is who in social sciences in Ukraine
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