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Congratulations with the successful thesis defense - Кафедра фінансів НаУКМА
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Congratulations with the successful thesis defense

{gallery cols=1}/2016_lytvyn_zahyst{/gallery} On January 28, 2016, Anton Lytvyn has defended the thesis “Modeling of the Anti-Crisis Financial Management Processes in Ukrainian Insurance Companies”. 

Specialized Scientific Council D 26.006.07 of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadim Hetman unanimously voted to award Anton Lytvyn a degree in economics (candidate of economic sciences). Individual thesis committee also unanimously supported the awarding of the degree of Ph.D., Ph.D. in Finance (Doctor of Philosophy in Finances) with distinction "summa cum laude".


Participants emphasized on the profound knowledge of the research subject, the ability to maintain a reasoned scientific discussion, confidence and courage of the respondent in defending his positions. The thesis was made during studying at the Ph.D. program in "Finance" (2012-2015 gg.) in the Yukhimenko family's Graduate School.

Congratulations to the supervisor - E. V. Brydun, and to the head of Ph.D. program in "Finance" - prof. I. G. Lukianenko. This is the fourth PHD degree in finance, which will be awarded in NaUKMA.

The full text of the research (consider the size - more than 330 pages with appendices) can be found here.

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