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Bazilinska Olena - Кафедра фінансів НаУКМА
Україна, 04655, м. Київ, вул. Г. Сковороди, 2 корпус 6, кім. 410, тел.(044)425-60-42, 425-77-37 (факс)

Bazilinska Olena

Candidate of economics, Associate Professor of Finance at National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"
Field of interest: macroeconomic forecasting, monetary and fiscal policies, macroeconomic analysis and modeling of regional economy, financial analysis, financial management

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Researcher IDs: 

NaUKMA lecture courses:

  • Financial activities of businesses;
  • Financial accounting;
  • Microeconomics


Academic title
1998 Chernihiv State Technological University, The ministry of education of Ukraine Diploma of associate professor of finance DCAE №000882
Post-graduate studyAcademic degree
1996 Kyiv International University of Civil aviation, HACDiploma of  candidate of economics sciences КН №011369, speciality: Economy of transport and communication
Basic education
1990 Kiev State Shevchenko University, faculty of cybernetics, department of economical cybernetics; Diploma UV №732941. Specialization: “Mathematic-economist”

Professional experience:

2016  - till now  Ukrainian Free University (Munich, Germany); associate professor
2005  - 2006 National University “Kiev-Mohyla Academy” (NaUKMA); deputy dean of department of economics 
2004  - till now National University “Kiev-Mohyla Academy” (NaUKMA); associate professor of finance 
1999-2004 Chernihiv State Technological University; faculty of economics; head of the section of economics and enterprise; head of the department of  economics and enterprise
1997-1999 Chernihiv State Technological University; faculty of economics, department of finance, economics and marketing; docent
1992-1997 Chernihiv State Technological University; faculty of economics, department of market economics and management; assistant; senior lecturer
1990-1992 Industrial union “Homsilmash”, department of the systems of automation projecting; engineer-programmer

Professional activity:

2017 - till now

Member of the jury of the All-Ukrainian XII Student Tournament for Young Economists


Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Scientific and     Practical    Conference "Financial Eurointegration Policy of Ukraine: Theory, Practice, Prospects", Laboratory of Financial and Economic Research of the Department of Finance of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy", March 12, 2015

2006 - till now

Member of the jury of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Economics, IV stage


Chairman of the Regional School Olympiad on Economics, Chernihiv

Main pulications

More than 80 Articles , including publications:
  1. Bazilinska O. Particularities of the economical policy of social defense of population of the country // Journal of Chernihiv State Technological University. - Chernihiv, 2003. - № 20. – 124–129.
  2. Bazilinska O. Some aspects of the budget-tax policy under contemporary conditions // Economy of Ukraine. – 2004.–№12.– p. 26–30.
  3. Bazilinska O. Tendences and problems of development of small business undertakings of Ukraine // Visnyk of L’viv State Academy of Finance: collection of sciences articles. Economical sciences/ Editor-in-chief Buryak P.Y. – L’viv: L’viv State Academy of Finance, 2005. – P. 137–144.
  4. Bazilinska O. Maintenance of steady development of region: transport system and quality of transport services // Science notes of NaUKMA. - Kyiv, 2006.– V.56. – Р. 23–26.
  5. Bazilinska O. Financial diagnostics in governing the finances of enterprises // Science notes of NaUKMA. - Kyiv, 2007.– V.68. – Р. 3–6.
  6. Bazilinska O. Internal sources of business financing // Science notes of NaUKMA. - Kyiv, 2008.– V.81. – Р. 3–6.
  7. Bazilinska O. Cost management of small – scale companies // Science notes of NaUKMA. - Kyiv, 2009.– V.94. – Р. 7–10.
  8. Sugonyako D.O., Bazilinska O. Еuropean experience regulatory reform in SME // Actual problems of modern economy development: Collection of scientific articles. - Thorpe-Bowker®, Melbourne, Australia, 2015. – P. 145-149. (Thomson Reuters, науковий індекс російського цитування Science index). Available at: http://conf.at.ua/21.03.2015_avstralija.pdf
  9. Bazilinska O. Y.Panchenko O. I. Оrganizational and economic fundamentals of coverage of railway // Science notes of NaUKMA. - Kyiv, 2016.– V.185. – Р. 24–30.
  10. Olena Parubets, Olena Panchenko, Olena Bazilinska, Dmytro Sugonyako.  Research On The Use Of The Artificial Intelligence By Management Of The Economic System Of The State. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Strategies, Models and Technologies of Economic Systems Management (SMTESM 2019). Atlantis Press.Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 95. 262-266. Available at:https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/smtesm-19/articles?q=Research&author=&keyword=&title=&page=2

Textbooks and manuals:

  1. Basilinska O. Financial Analysis: Theory and Practice. - K .: Center for Educational Literature, 2008. - 328 p.
  2. Bazilinska O. Macroeconomics: Study guide. – Kyiv “The Center of educational literature”, 2005 – 442 p.
  3. Bazilinska O. Minina O. Microeconomics. Study guide. 2nd edition extended and re-casted / edited by О. Bazilinska  – Kyiv “The Center of educational literature”, 2004 – 351 p.
  4. Bazilinska O. Minina O. Microeconomics. Study guide. – Chernihiv: CHDTU, 2004. – 186 p.

Grants and research projects:


Winner of the "Teacher of the Year 2015-2016" contest Faculty of Economic Sciences of NaUKMA


NaUKMA Project Named Scholarship Fund Scholarship Fund Raiffeisen BANK AVAL, winner of the professorial Vadim Hetman’s scholarship  

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