Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/finance/public_html/plugins/system/settings/settings.php:34) in /home/finance/public_html/plugins/system/jat3/jat3/core/parameter.php on line 107
Кафедра фінансів НаУКМА - Important Events Кафедра фінансів Києво-Могилянської Академії - провідна інноваційна сучасна школа економіки та фінансів - престижна освіта для бакалаврів, магістрів, PhD http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/atom 2025-02-23T05:46:47+00:00 Кафедра фінансів НаУКМА vasilay@gmail.com Joomla! - Open Source Content Management Лекції доктора Міхали Копані 2020-10-12T10:13:17+00:00 2020-10-12T10:13:17+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/perevahy-onlay-n-navchannia Mariia mariya.nasachencko@gmail.com <p dir="auto"><img style="width: 30%; height: auto; float: left; margin: 10px;" src="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images/mun_finance.jpg" alt="" /></p> <p>В осінньому триместрі фінансисти 4 р.н. мають виняткову можливість прослухати дві гостьові лекції від чудового гостьового лектора доктора<strong> Міхали Копані</strong> (Dr. Mihaly Kopanyi), провідного в світі експерта з муніципальних фінансів. Доктор Копані має більше 27 років досвіду роботи у Світовому банку з сотнями міст 30-ти країн світу.</p> <p>Автор багатьох книг та досліджень для Світового банку та Лондонської школи економіки (LSE). Є засновником та був першим деканом Департаменту Мікроекономіки Будапештського університету.</p> <h3 class="o9v6fnle cxmmr5t8 oygrvhab hcukyx3x c1et5uql"><span style="font-size: 12pt;">Перша лекція "Municipal Finance: Theory and Practice" відбудеться 12 жовтня. До зустрічі! <span class="pq6dq46d tbxw36s4 knj5qynh kvgmc6g5 ditlmg2l oygrvhab nvdbi5me sf5mxxl7 gl3lb2sf hhz5lgdu"><img src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t7e/1.5/16/1f393.png" alt="?" width="16" height="16" /></span></span></h3> <p dir="auto"><img style="width: 30%; height: auto; float: left; margin: 10px;" src="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images/mun_finance.jpg" alt="" /></p> <p>В осінньому триместрі фінансисти 4 р.н. мають виняткову можливість прослухати дві гостьові лекції від чудового гостьового лектора доктора<strong> Міхали Копані</strong> (Dr. Mihaly Kopanyi), провідного в світі експерта з муніципальних фінансів. Доктор Копані має більше 27 років досвіду роботи у Світовому банку з сотнями міст 30-ти країн світу.</p> <p>Автор багатьох книг та досліджень для Світового банку та Лондонської школи економіки (LSE). Є засновником та був першим деканом Департаменту Мікроекономіки Будапештського університету.</p> <h3 class="o9v6fnle cxmmr5t8 oygrvhab hcukyx3x c1et5uql"><span style="font-size: 12pt;">Перша лекція "Municipal Finance: Theory and Practice" відбудеться 12 жовтня. До зустрічі! <span class="pq6dq46d tbxw36s4 knj5qynh kvgmc6g5 ditlmg2l oygrvhab nvdbi5me sf5mxxl7 gl3lb2sf hhz5lgdu"><img src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t7e/1.5/16/1f393.png" alt="?" width="16" height="16" /></span></span></h3> International Scientific and Practical Conference 2020-02-11T20:17:03+00:00 2020-02-11T20:17:03+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/mizhnarodna-naukovo-praktychna-konferentsiia Mariia mariya.nasachencko@gmail.com <p>{gallery}2020_prof_phd_conf{/gallery}</p> <p>On February 5, Department of Finance of NaUKMA held an <strong>International Scientific and Practical Conference "THEORY AND PRACTICE OF FINANCIAL DECISION MAKING IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERN INNOVATION TRANSFORMATION".</strong><br />Speakers and participants of the conference discussed features of functioning of the modern financial system, problems of instability and uncertainty, influence of information technologies and innovative approaches on economic activity.<br />Scientific conferences are great opportunity to exchange views and share new knowledge, which as a result contributes to the formation of a modern knowledge system and the development of young scientists.</p> <p>{gallery}2020_prof_phd_conf{/gallery}</p> <p>On February 5, Department of Finance of NaUKMA held an <strong>International Scientific and Practical Conference "THEORY AND PRACTICE OF FINANCIAL DECISION MAKING IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERN INNOVATION TRANSFORMATION".</strong><br />Speakers and participants of the conference discussed features of functioning of the modern financial system, problems of instability and uncertainty, influence of information technologies and innovative approaches on economic activity.<br />Scientific conferences are great opportunity to exchange views and share new knowledge, which as a result contributes to the formation of a modern knowledge system and the development of young scientists.</p> Annual International Scientific and Practical Conference 2020-02-11T19:58:25+00:00 2020-02-11T19:58:25+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/shchorichna-mizhnarodna-naukovo-praktychna-konferentsiia-studentiv-aspirantiv-ta-molodykh-vchenykh Mariia mariya.nasachencko@gmail.com <p>{gallery}2020_student_conf{/gallery}</p> <p>On January 29, the <strong>Annual International Scientific and Practical Conference of students, graduate students and young scientists "Trends in the development of public and corporate sectors of the economy of Ukraine in the context of macroeconomic instability" </strong>was held. Participants enthusiastically discussed current problems of the financial system, modern challenges and directions of development of the Ukrainian economy, features of the work of future financiers and prospects for use of artificial intelligence and modern technologies.</p> <p>{gallery}2020_student_conf{/gallery}</p> <p>On January 29, the <strong>Annual International Scientific and Practical Conference of students, graduate students and young scientists "Trends in the development of public and corporate sectors of the economy of Ukraine in the context of macroeconomic instability" </strong>was held. Participants enthusiastically discussed current problems of the financial system, modern challenges and directions of development of the Ukrainian economy, features of the work of future financiers and prospects for use of artificial intelligence and modern technologies.</p> Cooperation between Department of Finance and Norwegian School of Economics(NHH) 2019-11-24T19:06:02+00:00 2019-11-24T19:06:02+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/spivpratsia-kafedry-finansiv-ta-norvezkoi-shkoly-ekonomiky Mariia mariya.nasachencko@gmail.com <p>{gallery}2019_NHH{/gallery}</p> <p>Department of Finance has experience of long and fruitful cooperation with scientific and educational community of the Kingdom of Norway.</p> <p>Thus in 2016 we received a 3-year grant from Eurasia Foundation for the project <strong>"Anti-corruption and PhD mobility NHH-NaUKMA"</strong>. The project is implemented in cooperation with the <a href="https://www.nhh.no/en/" rel="alternate">Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)</a> and the <a href="https://ti-ukraine.org" rel="alternate">NGO Transparency International Ukraine.</a></p> <p>{gallery}2019_NHH{/gallery}</p> <p>Department of Finance has experience of long and fruitful cooperation with scientific and educational community of the Kingdom of Norway.</p> <p>Thus in 2016 we received a 3-year grant from Eurasia Foundation for the project <strong>"Anti-corruption and PhD mobility NHH-NaUKMA"</strong>. The project is implemented in cooperation with the <a href="https://www.nhh.no/en/" rel="alternate">Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)</a> and the <a href="https://ti-ukraine.org" rel="alternate">NGO Transparency International Ukraine.</a></p> Guest lectures 2017-05-28T18:19:54+00:00 2017-05-28T18:19:54+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/hostovi-lektsii Первін Дадашова dadashova.pervin@gmail.com <p>{gallery}2017_Guest_Lectures{/gallery} The Department of Finance is doing everything possible to ensure that students of "Finance, banking and insurance" program have full access to knowledge and highest level education. Therefore, department supports continuous cooperation with foreign leading universities. In particular, in May, a series of guest lectures and webinars was held by the department. On May 22, the webinar of <strong>Robert Faffa</strong>, professor of the <em><strong>University of Queensland (Australia)</strong></em>, took place.</p> <p>{gallery}2017_Guest_Lectures{/gallery} The Department of Finance is doing everything possible to ensure that students of "Finance, banking and insurance" program have full access to knowledge and highest level education. Therefore, department supports continuous cooperation with foreign leading universities. In particular, in May, a series of guest lectures and webinars was held by the department. On May 22, the webinar of <strong>Robert Faffa</strong>, professor of the <em><strong>University of Queensland (Australia)</strong></em>, took place.</p> Scientific сonference for students and young researchers of NBU 2017-05-28T17:11:38+00:00 2017-05-28T17:11:38+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/naukova-konferetsiia-dlia-studentiv-ta-molodykh-doslidnykiv-nbu Первін Дадашова dadashova.pervin@gmail.com <p>{gallery}2017_NBU{/gallery} April 21, 2017, the first Scientific Conference for Students and Young Researchers "Banking Sector and Monetary policy: Development Perspectives", organized by the National Bank of Ukraine and Kyiv School of Economics took place.</p> <p>{gallery}2017_NBU{/gallery} April 21, 2017, the first Scientific Conference for Students and Young Researchers "Banking Sector and Monetary policy: Development Perspectives", organized by the National Bank of Ukraine and Kyiv School of Economics took place.</p> Call for papers 2017-03-07T19:08:59+00:00 2017-03-07T19:08:59+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/oholosheno-nabir-statei-do-zhurnalu Первін Дадашова dadashova.pervin@gmail.com <p><strong><img style="float: left; margin: 1mm;" src="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images/galleries/2016_SPNE/title.png" alt="" width="110" height="153" />"<strong>Scientific Papers NaUKMA. Economics"</strong> </strong>is a scientific specialized edition that publishes articles in economics. This journal is a reviewed open access journal that supports open access policy allowing free usage of all materials for users or agencies. To publish an article in the issue of 2017 it is necessary to submit paper before the <strong>April 30, 2017</strong></p> <p>Since this year materials to the journal can be submited in electronic version through the <strong>site: <a href="http://journals.ukma.edu.ua/spne" target="_blank" rel="alternate">http://journals.ukma.edu.ua/spne</a></strong></p> <p><strong><img style="float: left; margin: 1mm;" src="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images/galleries/2016_SPNE/title.png" alt="" width="110" height="153" />"<strong>Scientific Papers NaUKMA. Economics"</strong> </strong>is a scientific specialized edition that publishes articles in economics. This journal is a reviewed open access journal that supports open access policy allowing free usage of all materials for users or agencies. To publish an article in the issue of 2017 it is necessary to submit paper before the <strong>April 30, 2017</strong></p> <p>Since this year materials to the journal can be submited in electronic version through the <strong>site: <a href="http://journals.ukma.edu.ua/spne" target="_blank" rel="alternate">http://journals.ukma.edu.ua/spne</a></strong></p> Scientific Conference 2017-02-05T12:49:39+00:00 2017-02-05T12:49:39+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/naukova-konferentsiia Первін Дадашова dadashova.pervin@gmail.com <p>{gallery cols=2}2017_Conf/3_Feb{/gallery} February, 3 NaUKMA Finance Department held the Internationa Scientific-Practical Conference "Financial Support of the Socio-Economic Development of Ukraine". Professors and PhD students of the Ukrainian and foreign universities participated in the conference.</p> <p>{gallery cols=2}2017_Conf/3_Feb{/gallery} February, 3 NaUKMA Finance Department held the Internationa Scientific-Practical Conference "Financial Support of the Socio-Economic Development of Ukraine". Professors and PhD students of the Ukrainian and foreign universities participated in the conference.</p> Student Conference 2017 2017-02-05T12:32:01+00:00 2017-02-05T12:32:01+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/studentska-konferentsiia-2017 Первін Дадашова dadashova.pervin@gmail.com <div id="js_3e6" class="_5pbx userContent" data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;K&quot;}"> <p><img style="float: left; margin: 1mm;" src="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images/galleries/2017_conf/1.jpg" alt="" width="145" height="109" /></p> <p>January, 25 the NaUKMA Finance Department held International Scientific Practical Conference for Students, Aspirants and Young Researchers "Financial-economic and social world development: modern trends and perspectives". </p> <p>It was a great opportunity for the students to gain experience in scientific activities, prepare their speeches and presentations, answer questions and respond comments from other participants. Procedengs of the conference will be published in collection of abstracts.</p> </div> <div class="_3x-2"> </div> <div id="js_3e6" class="_5pbx userContent" data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;K&quot;}"> <p><img style="float: left; margin: 1mm;" src="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images/galleries/2017_conf/1.jpg" alt="" width="145" height="109" /></p> <p>January, 25 the NaUKMA Finance Department held International Scientific Practical Conference for Students, Aspirants and Young Researchers "Financial-economic and social world development: modern trends and perspectives". </p> <p>It was a great opportunity for the students to gain experience in scientific activities, prepare their speeches and presentations, answer questions and respond comments from other participants. Procedengs of the conference will be published in collection of abstracts.</p> </div> <div class="_3x-2"> </div> Regular NBU workshop 2017-01-27T19:37:50+00:00 2017-01-27T19:37:50+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/cherhovyi-seminar-nbu Первін Дадашова dadashova.pervin@gmail.com <p><img style="float: left; margin: 1mm;" src="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images/galleries/2016_NBU/2017-1.jpg" alt="" width="179" height="134" />The open research seminar is a remarkable initiative of the National Bank of Ukraine. On the 27th of January, Acting head of Research of Central Bank of Sweden, Sveriges Riksbank, <strong>Tor Jacobson</strong> presented his research on the topic: "Curbing Shocks to Corporate Liquidity: The Role of Trade Credit". Our teachers and students were also fortunate to attend the seminar and to join the economic discussion about current actual issues and research results.</p> <p><img style="float: left; margin: 1mm;" src="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images/galleries/2016_NBU/2017-1.jpg" alt="" width="179" height="134" />The open research seminar is a remarkable initiative of the National Bank of Ukraine. On the 27th of January, Acting head of Research of Central Bank of Sweden, Sveriges Riksbank, <strong>Tor Jacobson</strong> presented his research on the topic: "Curbing Shocks to Corporate Liquidity: The Role of Trade Credit". Our teachers and students were also fortunate to attend the seminar and to join the economic discussion about current actual issues and research results.</p> New issue of the scientific journal 2016-12-12T15:53:43+00:00 2016-12-12T15:53:43+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/novij-vipusk-naukovogo-zhurnalu Первін Дадашова dadashova.pervin@gmail.com <p><img style="float: left; margin: 1mm;" src="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images/galleries/2016_SPNE/title.png" alt="" width="110" height="153" />Since 2016 the specialized peer reviewed scientific journal <strong>"Scientific Papers NaUKMA. Economics"</strong> of the Economics Faculty is issued under separate ISSN and has personal <a href="http://journals.ukma.edu.ua/spne/index" target="_blank" rel="alternate">page</a>  where the research published in the journal are presented. The <strong>"Scientific Papers NaUKMA. Economics"</strong> publishes original articles, materials of problematic and controversial nature, original theoretical and empirical researches in finance, economics, marketing, management and business.</p> <p><img style="float: left; margin: 1mm;" src="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images/galleries/2016_SPNE/title.png" alt="" width="110" height="153" />Since 2016 the specialized peer reviewed scientific journal <strong>"Scientific Papers NaUKMA. Economics"</strong> of the Economics Faculty is issued under separate ISSN and has personal <a href="http://journals.ukma.edu.ua/spne/index" target="_blank" rel="alternate">page</a>  where the research published in the journal are presented. The <strong>"Scientific Papers NaUKMA. Economics"</strong> publishes original articles, materials of problematic and controversial nature, original theoretical and empirical researches in finance, economics, marketing, management and business.</p> Guest Lecture NBU 2016-11-30T11:05:37+00:00 2016-11-30T11:05:37+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/hostova-lektsiia-vid-nbu Первін Дадашова dadashova.pervin@gmail.com <p>{gallery}2016_NBU_lecture/lecture_2{/gallery} The 24 of November the guest lecture from the NBU representatives was held for the students of the Faculty of Economics. </p> <p>Mykhailo Vidyakin, Director of Strategy and Reforms Dept. at the National bank of Ukraine told students about the main modern reforms in the Central bank and in Ukrainian banking system.</p> <p>{gallery}2016_NBU_lecture/lecture_2{/gallery} The 24 of November the guest lecture from the NBU representatives was held for the students of the Faculty of Economics. </p> <p>Mykhailo Vidyakin, Director of Strategy and Reforms Dept. at the National bank of Ukraine told students about the main modern reforms in the Central bank and in Ukrainian banking system.</p> Best teacher at the faculty 2016-11-21T20:46:32+00:00 2016-11-21T20:46:32+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/krashchyi-vykladach-fakultetu Первін Дадашова dadashova.pervin@gmail.com <div id="js_3ke" class="_5pbx userContent" data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;K&quot;}"> <p><img style="float: left; margin: 1mm;" src="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images/teachers/bui_t.JPG" alt="" width="112" height="134" /></p> <p>The teacher of the Finance department<strong> Tetiana Bui</strong> was awarded by the best teacher grant from investment company <a class="profileLink" href="http://www.dragon-broker.com/rus/" rel="alternate" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/page.php?id=205923039422585">Dragon Capital</a>.</p> <p>The winner was chosen by the anonymous survey among students. Finance department congratulates Tetiana and is proud of such professors.</p> </div> <div id="js_3ke" class="_5pbx userContent" data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;K&quot;}"> <p><img style="float: left; margin: 1mm;" src="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images/teachers/bui_t.JPG" alt="" width="112" height="134" /></p> <p>The teacher of the Finance department<strong> Tetiana Bui</strong> was awarded by the best teacher grant from investment company <a class="profileLink" href="http://www.dragon-broker.com/rus/" rel="alternate" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/page.php?id=205923039422585">Dragon Capital</a>.</p> <p>The winner was chosen by the anonymous survey among students. Finance department congratulates Tetiana and is proud of such professors.</p> </div> Invitation to participate in conference 2016-11-21T20:33:31+00:00 2016-11-21T20:33:31+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/zaproshuiemo-do-uchasti-u-konferentsii Первін Дадашова dadashova.pervin@gmail.com <p><img style="float: left; margin: 1mm;" src="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images/galleries/2016_science_days_conf/tezy/3.jpg" alt="" width="105" height="140" />Finance department of the Economic Faculty, Laboratory of financial economic research of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy invite you to participate in International science conference "Financial support of the social economic development of Ukraine"</p> <p> </p> <p><img style="float: left; margin: 1mm;" src="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images/galleries/2016_science_days_conf/tezy/3.jpg" alt="" width="105" height="140" />Finance department of the Economic Faculty, Laboratory of financial economic research of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy invite you to participate in International science conference "Financial support of the social economic development of Ukraine"</p> <p> </p> NBU Seminar 2016-11-13T13:26:45+00:00 2016-11-13T13:26:45+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/seminar-nbu Первін Дадашова dadashova.pervin@gmail.com <p>{gallery cols=1}2016_NBU_lecture/Seminar{/gallery} Teachers of the Finance department participated at the seminar "Practical aspects of the NBU monetary policy formulation and realization".  </p> <p>Holding of such seminars for teachers of universities by NBU is good practice of the modern knowledge and approaches dissemination, which promotes a better understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of the monetary policy and contributes to the higher level of monetary policy teaching. Thank the National Bank of Ukraine for the opportunity to participate in such events.</p> <p>{gallery cols=1}2016_NBU_lecture/Seminar{/gallery} Teachers of the Finance department participated at the seminar "Practical aspects of the NBU monetary policy formulation and realization".  </p> <p>Holding of such seminars for teachers of universities by NBU is good practice of the modern knowledge and approaches dissemination, which promotes a better understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of the monetary policy and contributes to the higher level of monetary policy teaching. Thank the National Bank of Ukraine for the opportunity to participate in such events.</p> "Beer Game" 2016-11-03T12:30:22+00:00 2016-11-03T12:30:22+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/beer-game Первін Дадашова dadashova.pervin@gmail.com <p>{gallery}2016_beer_game{/gallery} In scopes of "Application of System Dynamics Methods in Finance" (PhD Oleksandr Faryna) course for the 4 year students the interactive "Beer Game" was performed. The game was developed by the group of Massachusetts Institute of Technology professors in early 60th to demonstrate the core principles of the supply chain management. </p> <p>{gallery}2016_beer_game{/gallery} In scopes of "Application of System Dynamics Methods in Finance" (PhD Oleksandr Faryna) course for the 4 year students the interactive "Beer Game" was performed. The game was developed by the group of Massachusetts Institute of Technology professors in early 60th to demonstrate the core principles of the supply chain management. </p> Запрошуємо до участі в конференції 2016-10-18T11:33:43+00:00 2016-10-18T11:33:43+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/zaproshuiemo-do-uchasti-v-konferentsii Первін Дадашова dadashova.pervin@gmail.com <p>{gallery cols=1}2017_Conf{/gallery}Кафедра фінансів запрошує вас взяти участь у міжнародній науково-практичній конференції «Фінансово-економічний та суспільний світовий розвиток: сучасні тренди і перспективи», що відбудеться 25 січня 2017 року на Факультеті економічних наук. </p> <p>{gallery cols=1}2017_Conf{/gallery}Кафедра фінансів запрошує вас взяти участь у міжнародній науково-практичній конференції «Фінансово-економічний та суспільний світовий розвиток: сучасні тренди і перспективи», що відбудеться 25 січня 2017 року на Факультеті економічних наук. </p> Department Graduate's Scientific Achievements 2016-09-24T11:20:59+00:00 2016-09-24T11:20:59+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/naukovi-zdobutki-vipusknika-kafedri Первін Дадашова dadashova.pervin@gmail.com <p>{gallery cols=1}/2016_NBU/Meleshchuk{/gallery} Professors and students of the Finance Department participated in an open research seminar of the National Bank of Ukraine, during which our graduate and current PhD student at the University of California, Berkeley, <strong>Sergii Meleshchuk</strong> presented the results of the study <em><strong>"The Intensive Margin in Trade: Moving Beyond Pareto "</strong></em>.</p> <p>{gallery cols=1}/2016_NBU/Meleshchuk{/gallery} Professors and students of the Finance Department participated in an open research seminar of the National Bank of Ukraine, during which our graduate and current PhD student at the University of California, Berkeley, <strong>Sergii Meleshchuk</strong> presented the results of the study <em><strong>"The Intensive Margin in Trade: Moving Beyond Pareto "</strong></em>.</p> Welcome new students! 2016-09-01T16:52:21+00:00 2016-09-01T16:52:21+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/vitaiemo-pershokursnykiv Первін Дадашова dadashova.pervin@gmail.com <p><img style="float: left; margin: 1mm;" src="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images/cap_graduation.jpg" alt="" width="135" height="110" /></p> <p>Dear 1st year students!</p> <p>Finance department is pleased to congratulate you with becoming bachelor students in finance, banking and insurance. We wish you to spend all your four years of study with inspiration and success. To help you with that we provide some <strong>information</strong>.</p> <p><img style="float: left; margin: 1mm;" src="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images/cap_graduation.jpg" alt="" width="135" height="110" /></p> <p>Dear 1st year students!</p> <p>Finance department is pleased to congratulate you with becoming bachelor students in finance, banking and insurance. We wish you to spend all your four years of study with inspiration and success. To help you with that we provide some <strong>information</strong>.</p> NBU Lecture 2016-05-27T09:17:31+00:00 2016-05-27T09:17:31+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/lektsiia-vid-nbu Первін Дадашова dadashova.pervin@gmail.com <p>{gallery cols=2}2016_NBU_lecture{/gallery} Guest lectures from the leading experts from national and foreign organizations became a great tradition of the Finance Department. In scopes of the Finance Department's cooperation with the National Bank of Ukraine the head of the External Sector Analysis Department<strong> Taras Tokarchuk</strong> held a lecture and told students about the monetary policy features in Ukraine, preconditions and challenges for the inflation targeting. Such a meetings are very important for students as they improve their practical knowledge, expand horizons and help to find a place for the future career or internship. </p> <p>{gallery cols=2}2016_NBU_lecture{/gallery} Guest lectures from the leading experts from national and foreign organizations became a great tradition of the Finance Department. In scopes of the Finance Department's cooperation with the National Bank of Ukraine the head of the External Sector Analysis Department<strong> Taras Tokarchuk</strong> held a lecture and told students about the monetary policy features in Ukraine, preconditions and challenges for the inflation targeting. Such a meetings are very important for students as they improve their practical knowledge, expand horizons and help to find a place for the future career or internship. </p> NBU Research Conference 2016-05-24T14:29:36+00:00 2016-05-24T14:29:36+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/doslidnytska-konferentsiia-nbu Первін Дадашова dadashova.pervin@gmail.com <p>{gallery}2016_NBU{/gallery} Teachers and students of the Finance Department visited the Annual Research Conference of the National Bank of Ukraine "Transformation of Central Banking". Speakers at the conference include representatives from the world's central banks, international financial institutions, leading scholars and experts.</p> <p>{gallery}2016_NBU{/gallery} Teachers and students of the Finance Department visited the Annual Research Conference of the National Bank of Ukraine "Transformation of Central Banking". Speakers at the conference include representatives from the world's central banks, international financial institutions, leading scholars and experts.</p> Chose the logo for department 2016-04-22T10:43:01+00:00 2016-04-22T10:43:01+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/obyraiemo-lohotyp-kafedry Первін Дадашова dadashova.pervin@gmail.com <p>{gallery cols=1}2016_logo{/gallery} Join the selection of the Finance Department<strong> logo</strong>. In order to make your choice follow the <a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zbbzwwS20LPAnFumtKET_Ods3UatmUa9ObpHS7n_cLs/viewform" target="_blank" rel="alternate">link</a>. </p> <p>{gallery cols=1}2016_logo{/gallery} Join the selection of the Finance Department<strong> logo</strong>. In order to make your choice follow the <a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zbbzwwS20LPAnFumtKET_Ods3UatmUa9ObpHS7n_cLs/viewform" target="_blank" rel="alternate">link</a>. </p> VI Spring Finance School 2016-04-14T07:17:18+00:00 2016-04-14T07:17:18+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/vi-vesniana-finansova-shkola Первін Дадашова dadashova.pervin@gmail.com <p>Annual meetings of the Finance Department with school students and their parents became a great tradition. </p> <p>We invite you to the VI Spring Finance School on 23 April 2016 in scopes of the NaUKMA Open Day. The meeting begins at 13:30 in room 401, building 6, 8/5 Voloska str.</p> <p><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images/galleries/2016_vesniana_shkola/1.jpg" alt="" width="597" height="412" /></p> <p>Annual meetings of the Finance Department with school students and their parents became a great tradition. </p> <p>We invite you to the VI Spring Finance School on 23 April 2016 in scopes of the NaUKMA Open Day. The meeting begins at 13:30 in room 401, building 6, 8/5 Voloska str.</p> <p><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images/galleries/2016_vesniana_shkola/1.jpg" alt="" width="597" height="412" /></p> Meeting with KPMG partner 2016-03-30T11:28:39+00:00 2016-03-30T11:28:39+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/zustrich-z-partnerom-kpmg Первін Дадашова dadashova.pervin@gmail.com <p>{gallery}2016_KPMG{/gallery} The 30 of March the meeting of the <strong><em>KPMG partner</em> Kostiantyn Karpushyn</strong> with students of the Finance Department took place. Kostiantyn is a head of the transfer pricing group in KPMG and one of the youngerst partnets in the company. He has more that 10 years of the professional experience in the sphere of transfer pricing regulation in Ukraine, Russia, and Finland.   </p> <p>{gallery}2016_KPMG{/gallery} The 30 of March the meeting of the <strong><em>KPMG partner</em> Kostiantyn Karpushyn</strong> with students of the Finance Department took place. Kostiantyn is a head of the transfer pricing group in KPMG and one of the youngerst partnets in the company. He has more that 10 years of the professional experience in the sphere of transfer pricing regulation in Ukraine, Russia, and Finland.   </p> Registration for the courses started 2016-03-29T13:01:59+00:00 2016-03-29T13:01:59+00:00 http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/vazhlivi-podiji/zhittya-kafedri/podiji/rozpochato-zapys-na-vybirkovi-dystsypliny Первін Дадашова dadashova.pervin@gmail.com <p><img style="float: left; margin: 1mm;" src="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images/galleries/2016_zapys/sign.jpg" alt="" width="149" height="117" />Department of Finance started the registration for the courses for students.</p> <p>Detailed schedule of the registration you can find <a href="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/zapys-na-vybirkovi-dystsypliny/navchannya/zapys-na-vybirkovi-dystsypliny" target="_blank" rel="alternate">here</a>.</p> <p>The lists of courses for <a href="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/zapys-na-vybirkovi-dystsypliny/navchannya/zapys-na-vybirkovi-dystsypliny/vybirkovi-dystsypliny" target="_blank" rel="alternate">finance students</a> and <a href="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/zapys-na-vybirkovi-dystsypliny/navchannya/zapys-na-vybirkovi-dystsypliny/vybirkovi-dystsypliny-dlia-inshykh-spetsialnostei" target="_blank" rel="alternate">other students</a> are available on our site. </p> <p><img style="float: left; margin: 1mm;" src="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images/galleries/2016_zapys/sign.jpg" alt="" width="149" height="117" />Department of Finance started the registration for the courses for students.</p> <p>Detailed schedule of the registration you can find <a href="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/zapys-na-vybirkovi-dystsypliny/navchannya/zapys-na-vybirkovi-dystsypliny" target="_blank" rel="alternate">here</a>.</p> <p>The lists of courses for <a href="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/zapys-na-vybirkovi-dystsypliny/navchannya/zapys-na-vybirkovi-dystsypliny/vybirkovi-dystsypliny" target="_blank" rel="alternate">finance students</a> and <a href="http://www.finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/zapys-na-vybirkovi-dystsypliny/navchannya/zapys-na-vybirkovi-dystsypliny/vybirkovi-dystsypliny-dlia-inshykh-spetsialnostei" target="_blank" rel="alternate">other students</a> are available on our site. </p>