Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/finance/public_html/plugins/system/settings/settings.php:34) in /home/finance/public_html/plugins/system/jat3/jat3/core/parameter.php on line 107 Кафедра фінансів НаУКМА - DepartmentКафедра фінансів Києво-Могилянської Академії - провідна інноваційна сучасна школа економіки та фінансів - престижна освіта для бакалаврів, магістрів, PhDhttp://finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/kafedra/2011-05-07-21-01-26/2011-05-07-21-04-15/atom2025-01-22T10:56:12+00:00Кафедра фінансів НаУКМАvasilay@gmail.comJoomla! - Open Source Content ManagementWages ranking 20162016-03-18T14:37:29+00:002016-03-18T14:37:29+00:00http://finance.ukma.kiev.ua/en/kafedra/2011-05-07-21-01-26/2011-05-07-21-04-15/zarplatnyi-reitynh-vnz-2016Первін Дадашоваdadashova.pervin@gmail.com<p><img style="float: left; margin: 1mm;" src="http://finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images\galleries\2016_Hroshi\1666017.jpg" alt="" width="211" height="133" />Magazine "Hroshi" (ukr."Гроші" ) published traditional ranking by wages and defined which professionals employers are ready to hire. NaUKMA graduates are as usual on the top the the list. Employers are ready to hire them and pay more comparing to others. According to the rating, NaUKMA graduates from economic specialities take <strong>2nd</strong> place.</p>
<p><img style="float: left; margin: 1mm;" src="http://finance.ukma.kiev.ua/images\galleries\2016_Hroshi\1666017.jpg" alt="" width="211" height="133" />Magazine "Hroshi" (ukr."Гроші" ) published traditional ranking by wages and defined which professionals employers are ready to hire. NaUKMA graduates are as usual on the top the the list. Employers are ready to hire them and pay more comparing to others. According to the rating, NaUKMA graduates from economic specialities take <strong>2nd</strong> place.</p>